Drowning Prevention
Pool safety is crucial year round, not jus tin the summer. Experts say one of the best ways to prevent childhood drownings is swimming lessons.
Drownings can be silent and lightening fast and the highest ricks for drownings are children aged one to four, according to the AZ Child Fatality Review. Babies as young at two months can start learning about the water and two-year-old Emma Curtis started lessons at the age. Swim Kids USA offers free lessons for babies 2-7 months and the other classes range all the way to adults. Lana Whitehead, President and Owner of Swim Kids USA, says she also offers survival swimming lessons that includes teaching kids to swim with all their clothes on. This gives kids a chance to learn how to survive if they fall into a pool.
According to the Consumer Produce Safety Commission (CPSC), 350 children under the age of five drown in pools each year nationwide. With the help of Lori Schmidt, former president of Drowning Prevention Coalition of Arizona and PIO for the Scottsdale Fire Department, shares the ABC's of Drowning Prevention. Watch the video to hear a Jessica Curtis's story and how to prevent drownings.