April/May 2018
News Packages: MMJ/Reporting
Drowning Prevention: Pool safety is crucial year round, not jus tin the summer. Experts say one of the best ways to prevent childhood drownings is swimming lessons. Reporter Amanda Mason dives into the ABCs of water safety.
Cronkite News | Pool Safety: Bacteria and parasites can be lurking in water, even if it looks sparklingly clear. The CDC reports that one in eight hotel pools had such severe issues that they were closed immediately, but there are ways to keep your family safe.
Active Shooter Training: Following recent mass shootings, 58 so far across the country a Valley company is training private security for local business.
Renaissance Festival: A Renaissance village is bustling in the middle of the Arizona Desert. Amanda Mason shows us what it's like to be a dragon slayer in the 21st Century.
Arizona's Environment For Wine: Arizona's climate in wine growing regions are unlike any other in the United States.
APS in Puerto Rico: Volunteer linemen from APS, the largest electric company in Arizona, traveled to Puerto Rico to help restore electricity after Hurricane Maria hit.
March For Our Lives: Thousands of people around the word join together on May 24th for historical international events uniting over gun reform.
Orchard Project: Sacaton Middle School on the Reservation in collaboration with the Gila River Indian Community are re-planting an orchard that used to exist 40 years ago
Reap What You Sew: Behind-the-seams of Distribution Night, where the Women of Reap What Your Sow (RWYS), have over 3,000 quilts to give to those in need.
Teen Lifeline: Suicide Prevention Hotline (Version #1)
Arizona's Wine Leaders Think Of Wine (Video Slideshow): There is a deep love for wine in Arizona. Reporter, Amanda Mason explores the meaning behind wine with some of the top leaders in the Arizona wine industry. (Music Courtesy: Instrumental Intro feat. Zack Wylde)
Hosting Demo
Spring/Summer 2017 - Includes: Monster Jam, Interviews with Media, etc..
Fentanyl is a deadly drug that is now being used to create synthetic Oxycontin pills, but 2-3 milligrams of pure fentanyl can kill you, even inhaling of the touching the powder can take your life quickly. Reporter Amanda Mason, explores Deadly Milligrams, where this drug is coming from, why it is a popular choice by the Mexican cartels and it's fatal footsteps it leaves behind.